Friday, December 24, 2021

52Ancestors52Weeks Week 51 Theme: Holidays......The Hansen Family Postcard Album: Holiday Greetings and Wishes From Near and Far

 A 1916 postcard written to my Grandfather Harold Hansen from Myra.  From the Hansen Family Postcard Album.  Grandpa was 6 years old in 1916. I am still working on identifying Myra.  She may have been a family friend from the Bay Area. 

    This postcard is from a postcard album put together by my Great Grandmother Vere Burrows.  It contains postcards from around 1910 all the way up to the early 1930's.  Each postcard gives a small glimpse into how the Hansen, Hurd and Burrows families kept in touch during the holidays.  

The Hansen Family Postcard Album cover.  The ship illustration is fitting as John Hansen came to America from Norway on the clipper ship Seminole......the cover design is Art Nouveau in style.   I am sharing just a small selection of Christmas and New Year Greetings and Wishes from the album.  

This postcard was sent to my Uncle Jack, date unreadable, from the Curtis Boys (Elbert, Melvin and Allan Curtis: sons of Winnie (Hurd) and Morrill Curtis from Reno, Nevada).  Jack was staying in Oakland at the time with his younger brother Bob.  Jack would have been 4 years old in 1910. 

This postcard was sent to my Uncle Bob in 1917 from Jane Hurd Burrows, his "Grand-Ma".  The first sentence is difficult to read, but ends with "Hope you have a fun Xmas".  Even with the sparse address, it made it to its destination! Robley (Bob) was 8 years old in 1917. 

 Uncle Bob got a special postcard just from Allan (Curtis) in Reno, Nevada.  I am sure his mother wrote and addressed this one which was postmarked in 1910.  My grandfather was born in October of 1910 in Grass Valley, so Jack and Bob may have been staying at Jane Burrow's home in Oakland, California around the holidays. 

Jane Burrows added the actual address as an afterthought as she sent her Christmas wishes to her daughter Vere Hansen in Grass Valley in 1915. Her writing is very faded and difficult to read,  but she signed off with "Mother". 

A postcard sent to Jack Hansen from Don and Lillian Burrows and the "little Bees" (Marjorie, Evelyn and Don) in 1915 from San Francisco, California.  The Don Burrows family had quite the sense of humor!

A wish for a Merry Xmas and A Bright and Happy New Year to Vere (Burrows) Hansen "from all in Reno", sent in 1914.  The handwriting looks like Winnie (Hurd) Curtis' handwriting.  

Vere Burrows with her boys Jack (left), Robley (bottom right) and Harold (top) around 1911.  

  This is just a small selection from this remarkable album.  I will continue sharing more postcards in the New Year!  I am sending wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all my family near and far......


  1. These are beautiful postcards, beautifully preserved! TY for sharing, along with the fam photo.

  2. Oh we definitely had the same idea for this week's prompt!

  3. I find the words and images of these old postcards to be very sweet. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I enjoyed these beautiful postcards! Thank you for sharing them.
