Friday, March 27, 2020

Fire! Continued....(Hansen)

  These are pictures of items rescued from the fire in 1950.  They provide a glimpse of what life was like for the VanDuzers and the Hansens pre 1950.  

High School Diploma Margaret Elizabeth Van Duzer 1936

Grass Valley High School Commencement Program 1936

Class of 1936 Commencement Program
Margaret Elizabeth Van Duzer

Lavinia Claire Hansen's Certificate of Baptism 25 April 1943.  She was born 25 March 1943.

Order of Worship the Sunday Lavinia Claire Hansen was baptized.

Harold Hansen was part of the choir at the First Methodist Church in Grass Valley. This was in Lavinia Claire's baby book;  he sang the anthem with the choir after his second daughter was baptized on this Easter Sunday.

Margaret Ann Hansen's baby announcement.  It was inside of Claire Hansen's Baby Book.

  After the fire, the Hansen family lived with Emma Van Duzer on South Auburn Street, then moved to a rented flat on Conway Avenue for a short time, then moved back with Emma, then to Pleasant Street, then back to South Auburn Street with Emma until 1958 when Harold and Margaret Hansen were able to buy their own newly build house on Lidster Avenue.  That is the house I remember from my childhood and early adult years.  That was always "Grandma and Grandpa's house". 


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